
Tourist Attractions in Zezhou County (Zezhou Tourist Attractions in Jincheng, Shanxi)

1. Tourist Attractions in Zezhou, Jincheng, Shanxi

Manghe Ecological Tourism Zone, Situ Town, Jue Mountain, Jiunu Fairy Lake, Tianguan Palace, Danhe Longmen Scenic Tourist Area, Imperial City Prime Minister's Mansion, Dayang Ancient Town, Kaihua Temple, Wolong Bay Kangyang Town, White Horse Temple, Liu Shi 林居, Jincheng Museum, Jingde Bridge, Changping Battle Site, 晋冀鲁豫野战军's Twelve Columns The former site of the army formation, Wangmangling, Xunmeng Town, Daliang Mountain, Huangwei Mountain, Yandi Mausoleum, Sheep Head Mountain, Yew Grand Canyon, Wujiawan

2. Jincheng Zezhou Shanliquan Tourist Scenic Area

Kou Reservoir, Fangshan, Tianzhu Valley, Huangshuigou, Shanglajiang Village, Jinniu Temple, Longyu Temple, Pujiu Temple, Zhangsigou Village, etc.

Near Zhangsigou Village there are tourist attractions such as Zezhou Qinglian Temple, Jue Mountain, Dayang Ancient Town, Shanli Spring, and Baima Temple Forest Park. There are 巴公 Green Onions, Zezhou Red Hawthorns, Noodles, 巴公 Roasted Green Onions, and Zezhou Green Onions. Hawthorn red wine and other specialties.

3. What are the tourist attractions in Zezhou?

The starting point is Zheshui Village, Liuquan Township, Lingchuan County, connected to Hudong Highway in Taihang Grand Canyon, Huguan County, Changzhi City, and the end point is Yaodu, Longgang Town, Qinshui County village.

                Taihang Highway 1 is also called Taihang Heavenly Road because it is mostly built on top of mountain tops or mountainside with an altitude of more than 1,000 meters. It passes through Lingchuan, Zezhou, Yangcheng and Qinshui counties, covering 231 administrative villages in 21 towns in Jincheng City, with a total length of approximately 402 kilometers.

Taihang No. 1 Tourist Highway, with a total length of 1,028 kilometers, is an important part of rural roads in Shanxi Province. It is also a strategic basic project to build the three major tourism sectors of the Yellow River, the Great Wall, and Taihang, and promote rural revitalization.

       Covering Changzhi City and Jincheng City, Jinzhong City, Yangquan City, Xinzhou City, connecting Lishan Scenic Area, Wangmangling, Taihang Mountain Grand Canyon, Taihang Water Town, Eighth Route Army Cultural Park, Taihang Baili Gallery, Niangziguan, Wutai Mountain, etc. 90 Multiple scenic spots.

4. Tourist attractions in Shanhe Town, Zezhou County, Jincheng

Xiangjiang Water Conservancy Scenic Area, located in Xiangzhou County, Laibin City, Guangxi, is built on the basis of ancient Xiang Hot Spring, Cold Spring and Xiangjiang River water conservancy projects. It covers an area of Fifty-four square kilometers, including 29 square kilometers of water, is a natural river and lake type water conservancy scenic spot. In the scenic area, the Xiangjiang River, Crystal River, Luoxiu River, Beishan River, and Shixiang River have good water quality, abundant water volume, excellent ecological environment, rich pastoral scenery, and rich cultural landscapes. The current scenic spot has been rated as a national 4A tourist attraction and a national water conservancy scenic spot.

5. Self-driving tour of Jincheng Zezhou attractions

Beiliu, Yangcheng County-----Imperial City Prime Minister’s Mansion

Manghe River in Yangcheng County-------Manghe Scenic Area

Yangcheng County-----Motan

Yangcheng County------Jiu Nu Fairy Lake

Lingchuan County---------Phoenix Grand Canyon, Wangmangling

Qinshui County----------Famous Residence of the Liu Family and Former Residence of Zhao Shuli

Gaoping City----------Yangtou Mountain

Zezhou County----------Jueshan Mountain, Qinglianshi, Danhe Bridge, Yuhuang Temple, Shuidong Longmen, Wolong Mountain

Changzhi Taihang Mountain Grand Canyon, Eighth Route Army Memorial Hall

Yuci Old Town

6. Zezhou Scenic Area

Jincheng Specialties

1. Lingchuan Codonopsis pilosula: Chinese medicinal material, also known as "Lu Codonopsis pilosula" because it is produced in Changzhi and Jincheng, Shangdang District, Shanxi. Lingchuan is the Lu Codonopsis pilosula production area, especially the one produced in Huangsongbei. "Yellow Back Ginseng" is the best;

2. Jincheng red fruit: It is a traditional famous fruit in Shanxi and one of the eight major production areas in the country. It is mainly produced in Chenwei and Xiacun townships in the suburbs of Jincheng. There are two main varieties of hawthorn here, one with a sour taste. One is sweet and the other is sweet but not sour. Fenkou Hawthorn: The fruit is round, with vermilion on the sunny side and red on the shady side. The surface of the fruit is shiny;

Jincheng scenery

1. Imperial City Prime Minister’s Mansion AAAAA

Huangcheng Xiangfu (national AAAA scenic spot), Huangcheng Xiangfu (also known as Wutingshan Village) has a total area of ​​36,000 square meters. It is the former residence of Chen Tingjing, the official and lecturer of the banquet in the 35th year of Emperor Kangxi. Its buildings are based on the mountain and change according to the shape. The official residences and civilian houses are lined up in rows. It is a unique group of castle-style official residences in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. "Beside Green Tree Village...

2. Zezhou Qinglian Temple AAAA

Qinglian Temple is located in Lingshi Mountain, 17.5 kilometers southeast of Jincheng City, Shanxi Province. Qinglian Temple faces the Dan River below and is built with mountains at its back. It is very consistent with the ancient Chinese Feng Shui architectural concept of "facing mountains and backing water." The entire temple is majestic, beautiful and unique. It never dries up or overflows. There is an inscription from the first year of Wuding in the Eastern Wei Dynasty (AD 543) engraved on the cliff. The temple is divided into ancient Qinglian Temple and New Qinglian...

3. Danzhuling Industrial Tourism Zone AAAA

Danjuling Industrial Tourism Zone renovated the Busan Reservoir adjacent to the mining area for the company, and built "Eighteen Bends" such as "Lake Bend", "Cai Bend", and "Qing Bend"; it used abandoned mines to build The underground tourist area and coal mine safety education and training base integrates safety training and disaster simulation. It is based on the five major systems of underground mining, excavation, machinery, transportation and communication. It uses sound, light, electricity, fog and lightweight materials to simulate... …












象屿古堡 象屿古堡(国保第六批) 年代:明至清 地址:沁水县郑村镇象屿村 象屿村,原名象谷村。是孙氏兄弟、户部尚书孙菊祥、都察院右副都御史孙鼎的故里。因孙定祥在兄弟会中排行老三,故故居称为“三都堂”,又称“三都古城”。其修建年代不详,但竣工于明崇祯七年(1634年)。 ……





